Initials, Inc. is a great company with many wonderful products that you can personalize. There are products for every age, and they are all so fun! You pick out your product, the color, the ribbon, what you want monogrammed on it, the font and color! Who doesn't love that!?! The great thing about Initials, Inc. is that you can also have a career by becoming a Creative Partner. How great would it be to be involved in something fun, AND set your own hours?! I know it's perfect for me as I'm a stay-at-home mom, and I need to be with my family and work around them. There is no inventory to stock either! The products are shipped directly to the customer. For a limited time this summer it's only $100 to get started! Watch this video and contact me if you would like to start your career with Initials, Inc.
The Other Side of Why
5 days ago
Hi! I am a CP with Initials as well and wanted to say hi and tell you how adorable I think your blog is! Love the colors and design!!! I can't wait to read more.
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